Thursday, 19 May 2011

Advice - Please Help me

Things are shit and I need some advice. At the moment I throw up daily and eat thousands and thousands of calories. Today for instance I ate a 375g box of cheerios, two cinnamon swirl pastries, a big bag of onion ring crisps, a 200g bar of chocolate, 8 pancakes, pizza, chips, garlic bread. That was hard for me to write. Not something I could ever admit to in the real world. I have an exam on Monday that I haven't started revising for because my days are filled with stuffing my face and vomiting.

A week on Saturday I go home for almost four long months of summer, most of which I am trying to fill up with going places and visiting people, but a lot of which I'll spend at home where there is no way I can go on like this. Before last summer I had so much freedom to buy food, eat what I liked and throw up in peace but when I finished school my parents found out and I put a lot of effort in to get better before I went off to uni. But now I feel I am a hundred times worse than I was and I don't know if I can just stop when I get home.

So advice: how do I actually stop?? Tips on how I can just get my mind to just behave would be great.
